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I want to join occult for money ritual and for riches call +2348085100629 Empty I want to join occult for money ritual and for riches call +2348085100629

Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:14 am
Do you want wealth, riches, super power, improvement, success, connection, fame, control, etc. ALL THESE WILL BECOME YOURS ONCE YOU BECOME A MEMBER OF THE GREAT HARAGON BROTHERHOOD,

The Haragon brotherhood have always been both venerated and feared throughout the world, but perhaps none so much as the Haragon in Hindu, Tantric and african traditions. What are the Naga? They are the Haragon Lords of ancient times, more akin to the Orishas of Santeria than to the remote gods of Olympus. And, like the Orishas, they are far more accessible. Haragon magic is more than a mythic and historical account of the Naga. It is also a supreme Haragon 'Grimoire' of practical and spiritual rituals. Haragon spirits are seen everywhere in African iconography and practices, but because of the extremely ancient and 'grass roots' origin of their worship, they are only rarely mentioned in traditional religious texts. This parallels the prehistoric worship of similar Haragon spirits across the ancient world in many places under many names. In most Eastern and Western animist or african traditions, Haragon-demigods are positive beings manifesting as spiritual guardians. Often these spirits are associated with springs, rivers, lakes and oceans as well as the numinous chthonian world below, as are the HARAGON BROTHERHOOD.

willing to keep secrecy about the occult. This is because you will find people whom you can’t associate with over the streets but you can associate with them at the church. Don’t come in to try we are never tried. I wish all the willing candidates to be brave enough to decide about their future and their talent to shine. Join the occult and be who you are meant to be in the world. remember you can’t see a star without darkness.

We have received several emails regarding our stories on the media about Haragon rotherhood occult. Most have asked how they can join while others simply wanted to understand the phenomenon further.Today, we look at how to join this secret society. According to the rules and regulations on how to join The family, the promise of wealth, success, power and domination simply by joining the haragon brotherhood is heresy. Powerful, Influential, intelligent, entrepreneurial, successful and wealthy individuals make up the brotherhood order. In order to join the Haragon brotherhood occult of fame and richies there is no secret handshake and you cannot just say that you are a Haragon family — when you are part of the New World Order you can rest assured that you will know, without being told. Surrounding yourself with successful people who support your goals, aspirations and achievements will raise your social stature; these people will know you are part of the haragon brotherhood occult society without you needing to say a thing; this successful and supportive network of people will also be superb. Haragon brotherhood occult society members are handpicked through their achievements, ideas and concepts, through their interests or dedication to a cause. The New World Order guides potential candidates to become an associate, however being guided into the secret society does not automatically grant you a membership. Mutual interest is essential for successful initiation. Conspiracy Theorists have tried to decipher the Haragon brotherhood's code, and by branding the order as domineering, Haragon brotherhood worshiping and belivers clans in order to gain great success and power are a fallacy. Being a member is a state of mind, belief in your own success and surrounding yourself with others who believe in the same mindset will successfully guide you on your way. Having a positive mental attitude towards success creates success and success creates wealth, which leads to a mutually exclusive group of people .The Haragon brotherhood. Opening your mind, dreaming and strive for success in your own right and leading by example are all traits of successful candidates and members. You can get more information on how to join the great Haragon occult socety of wealt,fame,power and the and riches movement via our grand master queen of the coast

you shall be given a ideals chance to visit the great Haragon occult society and the grand master after your thorough screening and registrations is completed by you, no human sacrifice or life needed, Haragon brotherhood occult society brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now, build your own dream or some one else will hire you to build theirs.


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Worry no more, we are now here for you


Today many people wish to become rich and famous and look for easy ways. Learn why so many folks wish to join the Haragon brotherhood in Nigeria.

There are thousands of secret organizations in the whole world. Some of these organizations are opened others are private. For many years, since fifth century and until now, there is a single most well-known organization that has always been absolutely closed. It is called HARAGON. For long time information about how to join Haragon brotherhood in Nigeria or any other country was absolutely secret. People all over the world wanted to join this organization but only the best of the best were accepted. Since that time, a lot have changed. The Haragon brotherhood is still positioned as one of the most powerful organization and still many people want to join it.

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. "

This life, nobody was born to suffer but out of greed, stupidity

and self contentedness nobody wants to help that is the reason we THE GREAT HARAGON BROTHERHOOD has decided to give back hope to the hopeless and becoming a member of this fraternity absolutely free no charges no human sacrifice.

registration into Haragon Brotherhood is free, no fee is

required. join this occult if you have the mind to do it remember

that poverty is like marriage without SEX.

The Haragon Brotherhood is about more than just wealth and power, as anyone who observes the often tragic lives of the rich and famous can attest to.

Without true wisdom and inner power, the outer trappings of

success are all in vain, for spirit is ascendant over matter. That which is eternal is of far greater value than that which turns to dust. The Haragon Brotherhood's teachings are not aimed merely towards self- aggrandizement but for the greater happiness of the Member and so that they, in turn, may bless and help others upon the path of life.

With that said, let us say that anyone, having the right knowledge,

inner power and a circle of powerful friends, with grit and determination can attain to success and prosperity.

The rich rewards of fortune and success are never obtained

overnight. It takes time to be mentored and to learn the secret

knowledge, to build a "millionaire mind-set," to work one's way

through the ranks and to prove one's loyalty and devotion to the


Advancement in the Brotherhood's degrees of wisdom and power can, however, translate into a virtual guarantee of lifetime security because you are building a power within yourself that can never be

taken away. Success is not handed to anyone on a silver platter

and only you can guarantee your future happiness.

Why not start today building that happiness, prosperity, inner power and peace by joining The Haragon Brotherhood?

Contact us

phone: +234 8085100629

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I want to join occult for money ritual and for riches call +2348085100629 Empty Re: I want to join occult for money ritual and for riches call +2348085100629

Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:15 am

join us today to find out more and see things for yourself.


Shake hands with the spirit of money and enjoy a lifetime of wealth, luxury and extravagance.

Live large as you've always wished.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
We are a Thelemic group working the lesser and greater mysteries of the African tradition as these mysteries have been influenced by the Book of the Law.
We accept all traditions except those whose dogma teaches eternal damnation or the subjugation of women or other groups based on race or creed. We are a society of individuals seeking to improve the planet by application of the principles propounded in the Book of the Law.
Our rites and lore are cumulative and lead gradually to the understanding and intelligent application of that which has been called the Great Secret: Love is the law, love under will
Occultism is much like water. It is neither good or bad in and of itself, but it can be used for both good and bad purposes. It can either quench thirst or drown a man, depending how it is employed. The secrets of the Occult course is meant to be used in a positive manner to help you change life for the us on +2348085100629 if you wish to be part of us today

Greetings from the guardian of age mystery of the Haragon temple.
Maybe you have already asked yourself why some people seem to enjoy a life of luxury and have the luck of making money easily without stress...
A few of these successful people are famous or run famous companies, but most are just ordinary men and women – just like you who somehow seem to have the power to attract money, good fortune, riches and success.
It is a fact that many people are still using occult power today.
Don’t miss this opportunity! join the HARAGON BROTHERHOOD today and become well accomplish, many have been disappointed because they try a magic Power from babalawo and it doesn’t work or they buy a useless lucky charm and soon realize that they have wasted their money, we the Haragon family guarantee you total control of your destiny... Now you can prove to yourself once and for all that occult forces do exist.
join us to get what you want by means of occult knowledge and power… HARAGON BROTHERHOOD HAVE THE POWERS AND formulas to keep a steady flow of money coming through
your doors and includes wealth-drawing, and to bring riches into your own life and ultimately get WHATEVER it is you want out of your success.
Ultimately, achieve whatever you want to your life or career. Imagine yourself never having to worry about money, again – having all the wealth you will ever need and enjoying the fruits of your successful
Looking for a job promotion?
A pay raise?
A business of your own?
instant riches; power,fame, protection or Maybe you would like a lifetime of leisure and relaxation – knowing that you need never work, again.
Don’t miss this opportunity,
TO JOIN US CALL+2348085100629 OR EMAIL


OCCULT Knowledge means knowledge which is "hidden", but it also means knowledge which is known. If it is knowledge that is known, there must be Those who know it; there could be no knowledge without the knowers of it. True occult knowledge can be obtained only by those who follow the path to it. That path was set down by Those Who Know; all who will may and can arrive at that knowledge. This is not a path open only to certain persons; it is open to every living human being, and limited only by the limitations we ourselves place around it through choice or through ignorance.
Much is heard in the world today of what passes for "occult knowledge". Much experiment goes on under that name in various directions: we have societies for psychical and psychological research, and there is much talk of psychic and astral "experiences" and "communications" with the dead. All these various methods of research are from below, upwards, and will never find the goal. Scientific methods, psychological methods, the methods of the Spiritualists, alike proceed from particulars to universals. Particulars are infinite, and those who follow that path will inevitably get lost in its infinite ramifications, with no real knowledge gained. The goal is to be found from above, below -- from universals to particulars, and not the reverse.

In all forms of Occultism there is a fundamental principle which cannot be transgressed, if any goal at all is to be reached. Every occult teacher must impress it upon his pupils, and it runs as follows: Every branch of knowledge which you seek only to enrich your own learning, only to accumulate treasure for yourself, leads you away from the Path: but all knowledge which you seek for working in the service of humanity and for the uplifting of the world, brings you a step forward. This law must be rigidly observed; nor is one a genuine disciple until he has adopted it as the guide for his whole life. In many occult schools this truth is expressed in the following short sentences. Every idea which does not become an ideal for you, slays a power in your soul: every idea which becomes an ideal creates within you living join us call the wise one on this number +2348085100629 or Email us


You have probably heard about Secret Societies and the Occult world and wondered “how can I join one of these societies for wealth and prosperity?” The truth is, most if not all of these secret societies do not accept outsiders that are not referred by or who are unrelated to current members. Some societies only can be joined by the elite–they normally operate on a who you know or who you are related to basis. At HARAGON BROTHERHOOD Society we accept anyone who is interesting in a spiritual awakening. We also do all the ritual for our members but not of human body rather we use animals to rise up peoples destiny.

HARAGON BROTHERHOOD, lead by our Grand master occultists operates using supernatural powers of black magic, voodun (voodoo), obeahy, Egyptian magic, and other powerful magic and occultist forces to gain practical benefits and change atmospheric and spiritual laws, which are only shared with our members. We are able help people from all regions of the world to enjoy prestige, protection, riches, health, wealth, power and prosperity.

All members receive FREE (annual) castings of any 6 rituals/rites of their desire, you choose the ritual and HOPS brings it into your existence.

You will receive a free prosperity handkerchief which will bring you prosperity, power, and protection and money.

All members receive the famous –Secret Wish Rite casting for FREE, in addition to their 6 free rituals! Once you join, anything that you wish for will become your reality. It is as simple as: you submit your wish to us, and we will cast the Secret Wish rite specially formulated for your individual wish. Prior to the casting we will inform you of the date and time that your Secret Wish rite will be cast.

Members will have exclusive access to purchase powerful rings, amulets, bracelets, and pendants. The masters of House of Power HARAGON BROTHERHOOD will perform powerful spiritual invocations and incantations on each jewelry purchased–so that the jewelry will carry out functions of wealth, health, prosperity, fame, protection, love most especially power to control human etc.

All members will have access to purchase special magical books that will create spiritual growth in the occult, metaphysical, and supernatural magic world.

The possibilities are endless: Just imagine being a member and getting the right job or gaining a promotion, seeing constant increase in wealth, conquer various obstacles, or seeing wonders in your relationship, marriage, or bring back lost love, never failing an exams, becoming famous, get spiritual protection and lots more. As a member all you have to do is tell us your desire and we will perform various rituals for two days (2) on your INITIATION for a breakthrough. So do not miss this chance to change your life for ever

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I want to join occult for money ritual and for riches call +2348085100629 Empty Re: I want to join occult for money ritual and for riches call +2348085100629

Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:17 am
JOIN THE GREAT HARAGON BROTHERHOOD FOR FAME, POWER,WEALTH and PROTECTION. contact us on: or call us on:+2348085100629

This life, nobody was born to suffer but out of greed, stupidity
and self contentedness nobody wants to help that is the reason we THE GREAT HARAGON BROTHERHOOD has decided to give back hope to the hopeless and becoming a member of this fraternity absolutely free no charges no human sacrifice. for more information about THE GREAT HARAGON BROTHERHOOD just contact us on: +2348085100629
Email us with :
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I want to join occult for money ritual and for riches call +2348085100629 Empty Re: I want to join occult for money ritual and for riches call +2348085100629

Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:18 am
just call the temple with +2348085100629 and you shall be given all that it will take you to become a man.
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I want to join occult for money ritual and for riches call +2348085100629 Empty Re: I want to join occult for money ritual and for riches call +2348085100629

Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:21 am
Do you know how many occultic orders there are in the Catholic church? A lot of the orders/fraternities/occults you see today have deep foundations in the church and there is no bishop or pope that doesn't belong to at least 3 orders. Someone here used Jay-Z and Beyonce as an example.How lame! Even if they belong to occult, have they affected your life negatively? For your information (if you don't know) everything about your life as you know it today is connected to an order (directly or indirectly). It's all around you e.g the pyramid symbol with the eye of "Ra" on the dollar bill, the eye of "Ra" on CBS,Fox TV,Texaco,LG electronics logo. . .the list is endless. Occult is NOT about the N200,000 budget home videos you watch where they act up dumb scripts of some Jones's who drink blood and make money over night.
we are here to lead you if you wish, your destiny is your hands you can take a move now.

The great Haragon brotherhood occult insists on not to asking any
payment for any membership, as it is among the great rule guiding this family. They explain
this as a gratitude for personal
achievements. Membership is
positioned as a great pride and
the Haragon family chooses their
members independently and send
out private and exclusive invitations
but everyone can try to receive such
invitation by filling the form,
the Haragon brotherhood occult family connects and unites
only the worthiest. That is why you
have to be rich, famous and
powerful unless you are a member
of the fraternity member family,
if you want to know how to join Haragon brotherhood occult in Nigeria and Ghana just call +2348085100629
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I want to join occult for money ritual and for riches call +2348085100629 Empty Re: I want to join occult for money ritual and for riches call +2348085100629

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