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U758 Automotive High Voltage Cable Standard Application Specification Empty U758 Automotive High Voltage Cable Standard Application Specification

Fri May 31, 2024 7:43 am
Introduction: The application specification of the U758 automotive high-voltage cable standard mainly includes the basic structure of the cable, rated temperature and voltage, flame retardant properties, mechanical properties, and special properties such as resistance to chemicals and high and low temperature resistance. In electric vehicles, high-voltage cables are important components that connect charging ports to batteries, the inside of batteries, batteries to engines and other components, and battery energy storage devices. They are responsible for transmitting power.

The specific analysis of the cable structure and characteristic requirements is as follows:

Cable construction: The UL758 standard specifies the basic structure of the cable to ensure that the cable meets specific performance requirements during design and manufacturing.

Rated temperature and voltage: The cable must be able to operate within a certain temperature range while withstanding a specific voltage level. According to the UL758 standard, the rated temperature of the cable should be between -40℃ and +125℃, and the rated voltage must meet the requirements of 1000V and 1500V.

Standard reference documents: Consult relevant national standards and industry specifications, such as GB/T 2423.17, GB 4208, etc. These documents are essential for understanding the specific requirements of the U758 standard.
Terminology and definitions: Be familiar with the professional terms and definitions involved in the standard, which will help to correctly understand and implement the specifications.

Design input and output: Pay attention to the input and output requirements in the design process to ensure that the cable design meets all functional and performance requirements.

Safe use requirements: Pay attention to the safe use requirements in the standard to ensure the safe performance of the cable during use.

In summary, the U758 standard provides comprehensive guidance for the design and application of high-voltage cables for electric vehicles, aiming to ensure the safe, reliable and efficient operation of the cable system. Manufacturers and users should strictly abide by these specifications to ensure the performance of electric vehicles and the safety of users. Welcome to:
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